MAJ Gregory R Spraley graduated from Jacksonville State University with a Bachelor of Arts undergraduate degree, in 2008. In October of 2009 He enlisted in the United States Army and was commissioned through Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, GA in March of 2010.

MAJ Spraley’s first assignment was B CO 1-6 IN 2BCT 1AD. There he served as an Armor Company Fire Support Officer with 1-6 IN. Next, he served with 4-27 FA, firstly assigned as a Platoon Fire Direction Officer and secondly as a M109A6 Platoon Leader. After completing 7 Network Integration Evaluations he attended FACCC in August of 2013. 

Following CCC he was assigned to 3-1 CAV 3BCT 3ID where he served as the Squadron Fire Support Officer from March of 2014 to March of 2015. Next, he served as the Battalion Fire Direction Officer for 1-10 FA until November of 2015. MAJ Spraley was then assigned to 2-12 FA 1SBCT 4ID where he served as the Battalion Sustainment Officer until January of 2017 and then served as the Commander of Bravo Battery 2-12 FA with whom he deployed to Afghanistan as part of Operation Resolute Support. MAJ Spraley has over nine years of military service.